Monday, 23 December 2024

Freefall: The Pilot Inn, Hardwicke

Not the most flattering photo I've ever seen of myself, but it made me smile nonetheless. Last night. second gig of a two gig weekend, last gig before Christmas. Both were a bit mad.

Overslept this morning, had meant to go race on the lake. But the wind was gusting 30+ knots. Woke up, saw the trees bending outside, rolled back over to cuddle the dog (who had, apparently replaced my wife after she'd got up to go to work) and went back to topping up the four hours sleep I'd managed before sunrise.

Credit for the photos go to a friend of the drummer, Leah.

Did watch the lake on the webcam over tea and toast once I finally got out of bed. Nobody else launched. Maybe if I'd been there I might've teased somebody into racing against me. On the other hand, I actually think I needed the sleep. Maybe if I hadn't had a couple of gigs this weekend. Or maybe I'm just getting old. There was a time a couple of gigs, gusting 30 knots and 4°c wouldn't have stopped me.

I really do need to get back out on the water again. Missing it badly, and can't help feeling I've let myself down a little.

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