Friday 24 May 2024

tash & co

I've had the week off work, but haven't got down to the boat yet. There was a small chance that the kids would come home today, so my week away sailing took a rain-check. But Charlie needed support with his feeding again last night. There's a small chance they might come home tomorrow. It's very close, but remains a waiting game. 

In any case, they're both doing well. As is their mum. Though she's a bit stir-crazy with cabin fever right now and really, really wants to bring the little ones home. When they're ready.

So maybe tomorrow. Maybe, if they come home, and we get them settled in, then maybe I'll get down to the boat for a night or two before I'm back to work next week. Though if I do, I expect Lottie will come with me, so any sailing, if we sail at all, will only be local. 

But I'd settle for that. 

Though I'd settle just for having them all home.

Did get to sail on the lake Wednesday. Raced the Laser, Amanda was put off by the rain (to be fair, she actually cried off with a sniffle of a cold, so maybe it wasn't just the rain). Was a great race. And actually, the rain, which had been a deluge all day, stopped just as I got to the club and set about rigging the boat. 

It was a good course, a shifty 10 knots, gusting up to about 17, a couple of decent beats. 18 boats on the start line, I guess more than a few put off by the weather (unlike Amanda, who had a sniffle!) I finished first in my fleet, but 4th overall. Which was annoying. But the sailing was great, the boats ahead deserved their win.

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