Monday 23 January 2017

Buffy: Note to future self

Next time I find myself in the market for a boat I must remember that no matter how pretty the wooden ones might look, the good lord gave us GRP for a reason.

Spent a good part of yesterday in a very cold garage at the Sailing Club divesting Buffy of her fixtures and fittings in preparation for a much needed sanding down and re-varnish.

As can be seen from the incriminating photographic evidence, we have, in our enthusiasm to keep sailing, let her go a little bit too long. I have a poor track record with wood. Perhaps it would be different if I had easy access to a garage of my own to do the maintenance. Perhaps.

In any case, we've made a deal with the Sailing Club committee for them to allow us to use the old, now redundant boat shed for shelter to get the necessary work done. It's due to be converted in to changing rooms, but work isn't expected to start for a while, so we have a lucky gap we've been able to exploit, in return for an appropriately proportional donation to the Club's "changing rooms conversion" fund.

She's now been in there a week drying out. She needs a little more time, but I think she's dry enough for us to start sanding.

I don't expect to be able to make her pretty again. But I would like to get her water-tight and weatherproof once more.

The centreboard case is worrying me, however.

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