Wednesday 30 May 2012

Notes for a trip to Frampton Pill

Brian says:

9.3m to make the top slip tenable [B]
8.8m to make first landing area on second bend [A]
7.5m to clear sandbanks in river
7.2m for tide to make the mouth of the pill

Frampton Pill
Sat 7th July, 8.7m at Sharpness for 11.16am
Sun 8th July, 8.2m at Sharpness for 11.53am

Frampton is Sharpness + 15 minutes
Therefore HW Frampton 07/07 is 11:31am

The Noose
Distance LYC to Frampton Pill is approx 5.75nm
Tidal flow "3 to 8kts through Shoots"
Closer to springs than neaps
Estimate worst case 5kts VMG
[4kts tidal + 1kts boat speed]

Pill entry viable after 11am

Launch latest from Lydney at 10:30am
Lydney slip viable to launch from 09:45am

Might need to rope off the landing area to prevent livestock interfering with boats.

Frampton Estate happy for us to land. Frampton Sailing Club happy for us to avail ourselves of their hospitality and facilities.

Transit for Entry [Pylon & Conifer]

Mouth of the Pill on 8.2m Tide

Wanderer entering Pill in 2009

Frampton Church Tower (from within Pill)

Navigating the Pill

Top of the Pill on 9.3m Tide

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