Friday, 11 April 2008

Counting Crows and setting sails

Brought the new Counting Crows album off of iTunes a few days ago, and only just got around to listening to it. Only really brought it out of curiocity and old loyaties, wasn't expecting much more than vague nostalgic disappointment.

How wrong I was. It's fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And I'm only on track 6 of 16 so far.

Good weekend ahead. Sailing all day tomorrow. Unfortunately not in the Moth, as I broke her centreboard on Wednesday so she's currently beached for repairs. But if there's the promised bit of half reasonable wind then the Wanderer or Lark we'll likely have to play with should be a blast. They certainly were last Saturday and the Saturday before.

And then on Sunday the band is playing at the Lion in Fishponds. That's a guaranteed high to end the weekend on :)

Go buy the Counting Crows album. Seriously.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Six Word Autobiography

Found a song. Learned to sing.

Six Word Story

Article on the Radio the other day. Hemmingway (sp?) once claimed during a conversation in a bar that you could write a whole story in six words. To prove it, he subsequently wrote:

For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.

On that premise, some American publisher of memoires has apparently set a competition for people to submit their own life stories in six words. I reckon that would make interesting reading. Which led me to wonder what would be my own? Useful thing to have I think. Cheap enough to print on your gravestone....

Friday, 11 January 2008

Definition of middle-age when you ring up the guitarist in your band at 10.30pm on a Thursday night and when he eventually answers with a bleary voice he has to explain that it's got nothing to do with sex, drugs or rock'n'roll but rather that he'd decided to go to bed early because we've got a gig tomorrow.

And then it strikes you that you haven't just woken him up to discuss some amazing hook for a new song that's just stuck itself into your soul, but instead wanted to get his take on the public liability insurance that you're trying to sort out for the band :Z

Sunday, 6 January 2008

What she should look like

The pictures of Atlantic all laid up in the workshop made me feel kind of sorry for her, so thought I ought to put up a photo of her as she ought to be.

Atlantic Bonus

Atlantic Bonus is a British Moth, sail number 838. She's currently laid up whilst we tend to the lifting varnish on her port side-deck. This is why she won't be sailing this weekend. Nothing to do with the cold and wet of a British January :)

hellO worlD1

Enough of the tongue-in-cheek mixing up of caps and the like. Didn't know what to write but thought it would be rude to start a blog and not bother with a first post.

So here it is.

January. Lake is empty, racing season is over and Atlantic is laid up in the workshop next door to the office. But it was blowing a hoolie (is that how you spell it?) this morning, so should have been down at the lake bothering the fisherman with Redwing. Instead, slewed of the hangover and staggered into work.

Gotta love Mondays.