Friday 16 September 2022

Q is for queue

This just made me giggle; I've copied it from an article I'm currently reading on the Guardian's website. As an ardent republican (in the more global sense of the word, as opposed to the American sense, of course) I've been pretty much avoiding the BBC and most mainstream media for the last week or so. Too many trigger points and, frankly, I've gotten bored of my wife telling me to "stop going on about it".

Although it does occur to me that when we had a King Charles the first time around, it did actually conclude with our briefly becoming a republic. I am, of course, being irreverent, unfairly or otherwise; in any case, I don't think that brief experiment actually ended well for those involved.

Anyway, being British, I guess an article about queuing was bound to snare me. It has to be said, I hate queues, but in the same way that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others (Churchill?), it is fair to say that they are a necessary evil.

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