Sunday 3 June 2018

Dun Ceinach

Home safe. Already missing being afloat, but it's lovely to see the dogs again. Google navigated us around a nasty delay on the motorway. Technology is incredible, even if it is trying to steal our collective soul. The nasty delay was caused by a crash. A caravan jack-knifed and another vehicle then colliding with it. I hope the lady they had to cut free is okay after her ordeal.

Some photos from early 2015, taken on a twilight walk up Haresfield Beacon with Lilly. Perhaps you can see why I love the place.

Although I say I'm already missing being afloat, I am already looking forward to having the chance to race my Laser again. The forecast is light all week, but much as I'd really fancy a blow, will take anything. Might even nip down the Club tomorrow evening after work to take the boat out and bash about the lake for an hour. Just to make sure everything still work ahead of Wednesday's race.

Maybe. It's nice having it as an option in any case.

Have decided to delay the decision on the watch. Have found an old Optimum Time watch that will serve for racing for the moment. Still want a new Quatix, but there are other priorities.


We stayed a few moments longer to gaze west from Dun Ceinach's ramparts. It was one of the most beautiful views in all Britain, a hawk's-eye view west across the Severn and deep into distant Siluria. We could see for miles and miles, and from this high place it looked so sunlit, green and beautiful. It was a place to fight for. 

- Enemy of God, second book of The Warlord Chronicles, Bernard Cornwall

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