Tuesday 11 July 2023

Dire Straits, Local Hero

Chatting with our neighbour Geoff in Portishead Marina as Dad and I were putting the boat away on Sunday after a weekend's sailing. Talked of various things. He has and his wife have a large 1980's motor cruiser, a Princess, shamefully I forget her name.

Turned out he and his wife live in Downend, Bristol, which led to me mentioning I play in a band and Downend is a regular haunt. Talking of music he mentioned Dire Straits. Which is probably what put them in mind, and probably why I'm listening to them now.

Spotify has just played a live recording of Local Hero, recorded at a concert in Nimes, France in 1993, apparently. My own band would've been in its first year then, I'd have been 22 that year, a complete baby. I'd forgotten how hauntingly beguiling the melody to that song is, carried along so movingly by Mark Knopfler's guitar.

I'm happy to have been reminded.

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