Wednesday 14 June 2023

Open Mic: American Pie

There was an open mic night at The Whittle Taps in Cheltenham last Thursday so, for the first time in quite a while, the band let me out on my own. I say "on my own" but to my delight, Nikki and Dad agreed to come out with me. In exchange, it has to be said, for me buying them supper.

But it was a good supper, and a lovely night, catching up with friends and musicians I haven't seen in an inordinately long time. 

And I got to play American Pie, which I haven't done in an even longer time. So I wasn't actually certain I'd remember all the words. 

But the song is like an old friend; you go months or even years without seeing them and then, out of the blue, you happily get the chance again. And that gap in time just falls away between you like it was only yesterday.

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