Saturday 13 June 2015


Shame on me.

Had thought we wre saiing at 0400, but we're not. Because we don't have a dogsitter for Bruno.

So instead, we're going out for a jolly on the next tide, which is 1830ish. Which is cool. Though it meants I don't get tp race at Frda,pon in the afternoon.

Anywway. The reacson I can't type.... I expected to have to get up at 0100 to make the tide. So had a bottle of beer or two at 1600ish, on the expectation i'D be gong to bed pretty soon.

On discovering I wasn't, and was actua;;y sao;omg at 1600, I decieded to walk down to the shop to meet Nikki fro m work an dbuy a bittle of wine.

Seemed a good iceadea at the time.

O should probably erase this post for the sake of my dignity.

Instead,  I'm going to wish everybody, everywhere, a lovely, happy, glorious weekend, whatever you're doing, and wherever you might be.

(took me bloodyages to type those last two lines)

PSSWorst thing is, just compulsively proof-read the above and am now fighting myself over the delete key and the keyboard    thewinewon

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